Photo Credit: Andrea Schara
Improving System Functioning Through Thoughtful Application of Principles
Bowen Theory Education Center
The Bowen Theory Education Center is a not for profit organization established in Chattanooga, TN in 2008. BTEC began hosting symposiums in 2010, and has featured world renown systems thinkers. The yearly Symposium launches our Annual Basic Training Program., our eight month training program in Bowen Theory. Our Advanced Training Program has a clinical focus and is by invitation only. BTEC's intention is to broaden the community's awareness of Bowen Theory and provide practical knowledge to people working in health care, social work, clergy, business, and community organizations.
The Center's principal purpose is to provide education and training for the Bowen Theory of natural systems developed by Murray Bowen, M.D., and its application to the human condition. Our yearly Training Program provides ongoing education in the theory.
BTEC places a strong focus on learning the eight concepts and implementing the concepts in the student's relationships.
Our Basic Training Program focuses on the fundamentals of the theory. Our Advanced Training Program has a clinical focus and is available by invitation after demonstrating a strong grasp of the concepts and the practical application of the concepts in the relationships process
Dr. Bowen believed that human behavior is linked to biological functioning; he diligently studied the natural sciences to find application to what he was learning as he developed the theory. His root goal was to identify the facts about emotional functioning, and he consistently sought to bring knowledge from other fields to contribute to his theory.
His work at the Menninger Clinic and the National Institute of Mental Health with families of schizophrenics was the laboratory in which he developed the theory. His radical approach to seeing the family as an emotional unit is what sets his model apart from other psychological theories.
The Bowen Theory Education Center is a not for profit organization established in Chattanooga, TN in 2008. The Center's principal purpose is to provide education and training for The Bowen Theory of natural systems developed by Murray Bowen, M.D., and its application to the human condition. Our 2020 Symposium is held on September 22, 2023 and launches our eight month Training Program in Bowen Theory.
Both the symposium and the training program are patterned after The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family in Georgetown, Washington, DC. Our professional training program provides a basic introduction and training in Bowen Theory, the study of natural systems, and the family. BTEC's emphasis is on learning the concepts, and on learning how to apply the concepts in relationships. Through collaboration with Tennessee State University's Continuing Education Department, credits will be available for both the symposium and for the training program for additional fees. We also offer CEUs for Social Work.
Our Lunch & Learn is an ongoing program that covers each of the eight concepts in a monthly Zoom webinar, from October through May. This year we will be adding a workshop in Creating a Family Diagram, an important tool for understanding the larger system and the patterns inherent to it.